Friday, January 7, 2011

Answering the question I asked

I am having this problem with a lot of people but mostly my family.  I start to ask a question and am interrupted with a myriad of solutions to my "problem".  Great, you might say.  How wonderful that must be.  It would be if.....THE ANSWER HAD ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE QUESTION I WOULD HAVE ASKED IF I WASN'T INTERRUPTED!!!!!  As you can probably sense, this is driving me crazy.  My husband and daughter very consistently answer questions that they think that I am asking and it forces me to ask many questions in order to get the answer that I am looking for.  I don't know about other people but I don't have that kind of time.  If the people I love would take a minute and just listen to what I am saying, they might be able to answer my questions and then we could all move on to more fun stuff like peeling potatoes or invoicing my Avon customers.
That's the way I look at it!

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